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Paper Trade

A online paper cryptocurrency trading platform. The Paper Trade project is a project that allows you too experiment with cryptocurrency with no real world danger. Currently in development, this projects aims to assist those trying to get into the cryptocurrency market and help investors simulate how different cryptocurrencies will perform over time.


Sponsor Credit API

GitHub sponsors is a major platform many developers use to fund their open source work, and developers often like to give credit to those sponsoring them through README files or other documents. GitHub sponsors does not provide an easy way of doing this, short of manually writing out sponsor names. This is what the Sponsor Credit API aims to fix, it provides an easy way to give credit to your GitHub sponsors through your README file, no extra configuration needed.



Text-To-Array is a smart but simple website coded with the purpose of turning text separated by new lines and converting it into a list that can be accessed by programming languages. I designed this project because I found at the time that there were no other tools that could help me do this with ease, and I made this site complete the task at the click of a button.


Smart Sniper

Being one of the longest running projects of mine, Smart Sniper is a Minecraft username grabber. Smart Sniper has over 1.05k active users and helps people obtain Minecraft usernames that they have always wanted. Helping this project is also a public API, this API scrapes the web to see upcoming Minecraft usernames, then this API makes this data easy to read and easy to integrate into other programs that need this data in JSON form.



A online paper cryptocurrency trading platform. The Paper Trade project is a project that allows you too experiment with cryptocurrency with no real world danger. Currently in development, this projects aims to assist those trying to get into the cryptocurrency market and help investors simulate how different cryptocurrencies will perform over time.
